
Monday, October 11, 2004

I feel more and more homeless as time goes by. Long ago I gave up calling my parents' house my home. I barely get a decent nights rest in the bed I spent my formative teen years in. I can't really call my current room home, although it is roomy and has everything I currently need. Its not as bad as I make it seem, we have a chef, a cleaning service, no curfew, plenty of room, and my snake is here. Still, it doesn't feel as homey as it once did. I think the issue lies in my constant state of motion at the moment.

I haven't spent a weekend here in the longest time. Every weekend something new comes up, sometimes well planned, sometimes completely unexpected. I've flown to L.A., driven across the country in a pick-up truck, rented a house with friends and driven an R.V. to a college football game just to name a few of my past weekends. I have more coming up too, like a Bar Mitzvah and who knows what after that. I just can't seem to keep myself rooted in one place for more than five days. I think my snake is getting lonely and putting on a hunger strike to protest.

I'm out and about so much that I have fooled myself into believing I need new technology to keep myself organized, connected and productive at all times. I find that I am constantly browsing today's selection of PDAs and smartphones for the one that best suits my made-up needs. I feel like some sort of victim of über-modern marketing scheme for over active tech nerds. How could I not need such a new expensive device when I am away from my school and my computer so often. I mean we all have to be productive don't we? Perhaps it could also feed my snake while I am gone. Maybe then he wouldn't be so lonely.

More often than not I find myself thinking that my recent homelessness is a sub-conscious way of telling myself I need to move on. I know this consciously, but maybe my brain still doesn't believe I understand.


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