I am currently watching election results on CNN, and I am not upset that it is entirely likely that Bush will be re-elected. Its not that I'm not upset, because I am, just not about the election results. Instead my blood is boiling because someone flaked on me. (Yes, you read that correctly.)
It used to be that one of my biggest pet peeves was that strange guy in the men's room who puts both hands behind his head and whistles while simultaneously shaking his pelvis to-and-fro and using the facilities. Experience has trump that extremely annoying situation with another on my list of things I hate. (I assure you that I am not a hate filled person, but there are a very few things that I get very fumed about. White headphones and in-dash DVD players rank on that list.) As previously indicated, the number one way to get my feathers flying these days is to indicate to me that you will do something, and simply not do it. Why would you just blatantly promise something you don't whole-heartedly plan to carry out? Perhaps you have no sense of conviction, nor a correspond sense of remorse.
I suppose this taps into my innermost convictions. If I promise something I generally plan on fulfilling that promise. I hate to let people down, and I, perhaps wrongly, assume this to be a general characteristic of our population. So if you plan on seeing me in a bad mood, tell me you'll get me before you go get a burrito, then just walk out without saying a word. I assure you that when you get back my evening will have been ruined. Our population has turned into a bunch of flakes. Whip out your PDA and write that shit down when you say it. I don't care how you plan to remind yourself of what you promise, but start reminding yourself.