
Saturday, September 14, 2002

There is nothing as satisfying as a shower and a nap after a hard days work. I am not talking a long day of classes here, I am talking about cooking, wrapping and selling hotdogs, then cleaing for 7 hours. Oh, and it feels great to come back and have a package waiting for you.

Friday, September 13, 2002

Looking back I realize that so many of my memories from high school were so long ago. The most recent and best documented in photos were two and half to three years ago. Still, for the most part it seems like they were just yesterday. I recall them fondly and often while talking to people here at college. It seems that no matter how much I like my college memeories my high school memories are right there behind them and sometimes more vivid than college ones.

Thursday, September 12, 2002

so I spent all of September 11th working. Started off by selling candles to raise money for a relief fund. Followed that up by running some errands. Immediately followed by meeting for Greek Week. Finish it all with a candlelight vigil hosted by everyones favorite fraternity.

Also made a strange observation that night. Ever since the tragedy a year ago I have been doing much more community work without thinking about why, as evidenced by my little motivation rant a few days back. Well suffice to say that something clicked in my mind since then and now I realize my reaction was to help my community.

Tuesday, September 10, 2002

'Tis true that giving is better than recieving. All you have to do is spend a few bucks to send a friend a gift that they aren't expecting and suddenly you are the greatest human being alive. Coming home from a long day at school to find validation like I did today is proof. My friend was the happiest person on earth and I felt like I changed the world.

Monday, September 09, 2002

Motivation is a strange and elusive thing to elucidate. I find I am currently involved in quite a few things that if you told me in highschool that I would oneday be doing these things I would have to argue with you out of disbelief. So why do we do these things? Has our outlook really been changed? Do we do it for some subconscious deisre? Is it to impress the other sex? If its for one of these later things thats news to me. Guess I don't really know, just that they seemed like important things to be involved with. Like someday I will look back and be proud that I put effort into it whether it really made a big impact or not. Maybe thats the big key to it, peace of mind. Thats the all emcompassing phrase I needed, it can contain any of those reasons already stated.

Sunday, September 08, 2002

Does the concept of scheduled spontaneity strike anyone else as peculiar? The concept was recently brought to my attention in the context of fraternity where we were to meet at 7:30 for spontaneous events. To me it sounds like poor planning or someone who is putting off decisions and making it seem ok. Not that I am really saying that the person responsible for scheduled spontaneity is lazy, I am simply hinting that the concept (not the individual) wreaks of indecisiveness.